Sunday, December 25, 2011

Seasons Greetings too one and All!

So I am feverishly working on some British Pennisular Light Regt for a pot in a few days, amongst other things, but I thought I should just drop a line and say seasons greetings to you all my loyal readers. The reason it's seasons greetings because some people celebrate Chanukha or Xmas and as such I don't want too single out anyone. As such thank you all for your readership of this blog and over the next year I should have some really fun posts comming as Adepticon this year is going too push me too new limits painting wise. I have a 40k army too finish painting and building for Feb. and I also have a 1250 early war German army, Macedonian WAB army, and several show models I need to finish in time for Adepticon! So as such it will be a crazy kick off to the end of the world year but damn it I will make it count (btw the end of the world thing was a joke so no run offs on that).

Also DON"T FORGET TO SHOP AT BATTLEROADGAMES.COM for all of your bits needs!